Frequently Asked Questions User: Guest

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  • Q: Why haven't I received my registration email yet?
  • A: The registration email is sent out straight away. Have you checked your spam/junk folder?
  • Q: Can I delete my records from the database?
  • A: Yes, just go to your profile area and remove all your information from the form and hit the update button.
  • Q: I have deleted my records from the database but why does my name still show up in Google?
  • A: Google takes a copy of this site every month or so. So, please be patient for Google to update their copy of this site.
  • Q: Can I get help if I can't log into the webite?
  • A: Yes, but first try the following...
  • 1. Cutting and pasting your username and password from the registration email to the web browser rather than typing it in by hand.
  • 2. Check out the security settings in your browser. If you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer then go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Internet. Check out the settings. Perhaps click on the button "Default level" and choose "Medium". Also, if you have "Protected Mode" switched on then you may need to enter the Freewheelers site as a "Trusted Site".
  • Then if those don't work send an email to . But make sure you include as much information about the problem and also a copy of the registration email that you've been sent.
  • Q: The website doesn't seem to work. Can I get help?
  • A: Yes, please send us an email (with as much detail as possible: which page you where on (the URL), which box(es) you were filling out and the wording of any errors) to . But make sure you include as much information about the problem and also a copy of the registration email that you've been sent. Please send copies of the website or screenshots if it will help.

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